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A new stress
assessment and
reduction program

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Sure, it's normal for everyone to experience some stress in life. It's part of being human. In fact, sometimes a little stress can help us get stuff done. That kind of anxiety is okay.

What's not okay is when stress grows, reaches toxic levels and makes people sick.

We decided to do something about it.

We developed StressOSSM, an interactive stress management program that helps people assess and create a personalized stress reduction plan that is just right for them.

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Stress on the Job Makes
Work More Work

For businesses

By incorporating our program, businesses mitigate risk by addressing one of the most serious and undertreated illnesses: Stress. Individuals who experience less stress may be happier and more productive employees. StressOS is a vital risk management tool.

Here's why:

For businesses

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By incorporating our program, businesses mitigate risk by addressing one of the most serious and undertreated illnesses: Stress. Individuals who experience less stress may be happier and more productive employees. StressOS is a vital risk management tool.

Here's why:


You'll learn how stress is affecting absenteeism, turnover, morale - all of which have a dollar impact and a human impact.


We have metrics that help you determine the areas in your organization that might be experiencing elevated stress.


Productivity increases as toxic stress levels are reduced. Stress reduction also improves health and helps reduce healthcare expenses for individuals and organizations.


Understand how stress may be impacting your employees' job satisfaction, life balance issues, workload perceptions.


Gain a clearer picture of harassment, bullying and workplace violence concerns in your organization.


Discover how your Aggregate Stress Index (ASI) compares to others in your industry.

Life with Less Stress is Better
for Everyone

For individuals

There's a lot to this life thing. Making sure people are able to deal with all that life has to offer, in healthy, stress free ways, is key to helping individuals be their best.

StressOS provides a Personal Stress Assessment, Personal Stress Report and a Personal Stress Reduction Program. Think of us as an expert guide, a friend and a coach all in one.

For individuals

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There's a lot to this life thing. Making sure people are able to deal with all that life has to offer, in healthy, stress free ways, is key to helping individuals be their best.

StressOS provides a Personal Stress Assessment, Personal Stress Report and a Personal Stress Reduction Program. Think of us as an expert guide, a friend and a coach all in one.

We Have Three Steps

Assess. Report. Act.


Personal Stress Assessment

Through a series of questions, we'll learn about individuals and how stress impacts their day - such as health, habits, family, work and service.

All results are confidential and protected.


Stress Report

Individuals receive a Personal Stress Index (PSI) Report with their PSI score indicating overall stress levels and our key stress points roadmap.

Organizations offering StressOS may receive an Aggregate Stress Index (ASI) report with their overall score as well as new KPIs and business intelligence relevant to organizational culture, enterprise risk management, health and well-being, and compliance due diligence.



Individualized action plans help people focus on building and maintaining healthy habits as well as reducing key stress points. 

Resources including cognitive behavioral therapy programs, coaching, messaging and incentives are available to support the stress improvement journey. Personally-curated journeys offer support and help build resiliency.

Periodic remeasurement occurs within the journey to celebrate progress and refresh action plans.

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Work-related stress is the leading workplace health problem and a major occupational health risk, ranking above physical inactivity and obesity.

Centers for Disease Control

2017 "New Frontiers in Workplace Health"

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